Life in Wine

Just what the Title says! Life in Wine. MY Life in Wine.

Location: Kansas City, Missouri, United States

Opinionated. Lover of Wine.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Laura Bush is a big fat liar

"My husband never misled about Iraq," says the First Lady. She's a big fat liar.

I just wanted to be among the first to say it. And now we know why she's still married to "the decider." She's his equal. His lying, denying equal.

I'll get to my wedding wines later. Just thought, when someone googled Laura Bush, they should hear it, plain simple and loud: Laura Bush is a Big Fat Liar.

My husband never misled about Iraq, indeed. And I never wanted to fire Rumsfeld. And Dick Cheney is a kindly elder statesman, and the moon is made of green cheese, and Bill never had sexual relations with that woman, Saddam was behind 9/11, and he had WMD. He did, so there!